Buying TENFI

How can I buy TENFI Tokens?

You can purchase TENFI tokens directly from our site

Simply go to and click on the "Buy TENFI" button and a pop up will ask you to connect your wallet to

Once connected, input amount of BUSD or BNB worth of TENFI you like to purchase and click Approve, your wallet will now ask you to confirm the approval, please approve if you wish to proceed.

Click BUY and confirm on your wallet.

You can now start earning TENFI by staking on by depositing your assets to the relevant staking contract or farming pool.

Your transaction is now complete and you're ready to stake your TENFI!

What is a TENFI Token?

TENFI is the reward token for TEN Finance, a robust yet simplified yield optimizer with high sustainable APY’s rewarded for TENFI holders.

Last updated